Battle of Okinawa



Okinawa: Victory in the Pacific

Major Chas. S. Nichols, Jr., USMC
Henry I. Shaw, Jr.Historical Branch, G-3 Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps


COVER PICTURE: Marines hurdle a stone wall as they drive inland from the Hagushi Beaches on L-Day at Okinawa.





AMERICAN COLORS are raised over Ara Saki, southernmost point of Okinawa, by men of Company G, 2d Battalion, 22d Marines, symbolizing the end of organized resistance in the III Amphibious Corps zone of action.






Chapter Page
1. Background 1
Strategic Situation 1
Historical Notes 3
Okinawa and the Okinawans 6
2. Planning ICEBERG 12
Strategic Concepts 12
Command Relationships 17
Intelligence 19
Tactical Planning 22
Logistical Planning 27
3. Preparations for the Assault 30
Training and Rehearsing 30
Mounting and Staging for the Assault 34
Preliminary Covering Strikes 36
Seizure of Kerama Retto 38
Prelanding Operations 43
4. Japanese Defensive Preparations 48
The Thirty-Second Army 49
Strengthening the Defenses 53
Reinforcing the Army 56
Prelanding Dispositions 59
5. Seizure of the Beachhead 63
L-Day 63
Severing the Island 69
Meeting the Enemy 77
Logistical Progress 80
Kamikaze 82
6. Action in the North 87
Securing the Eastern Islands 87
6th Marine Division Advances 90
Battle for Motobu Peninsula 96
Marines’ “Guerrilla War” 104
Capture of Ie Shima 111
7. Developing the Shuri Defenses 119
Penetrating the Outpost Line 119
Build-up in the South 124
Attack of 19 April 126
Assaulting the Second Defense Ring 131
1st Marine Division Joins the XXIV Corps 134
8. IIIAC Enters the Lists 142
Japanese Counterattack 142
The Battle Lines Are Drawn 151
Tenth Army Attacks 160
Logistical Progress 172
9. Reduction of the Shuri Bastion 176
Sugar Loaf Hill 176
Wana Draw 185
Shuri Heights and Conical Hill 192
Struggle in the Rain 196
Japanese Withdrawal 207
10. Ushijima’s Last Stand 210
Breakout to the South 210
The Capture of Oroku Peninsula 217
Kunishi Ridge 228
Iheya-Aguni Operation 243
Yaeju Dake-Yuza Dake 244
End of Organized Resistance 249
11. Campaign Summary 258
The Clean-up Drive 258
The Tenth Army’s Air Force 261
Island Command Activities 266
Tactical Evaluation 269
Key to Conquest 273
I. Bibliography 276
II. Chronology 281
III. Command and Staff List of Marine Units on Okinawa 284
IV. III Amphibious Corps Task Organization 298
V. Japanese Order of Battle 302
VI. Marine Casualties 305
VII. Marine and Naval Corpsmen Medal of Honor Winners 309
VIII. Navy Unit Commendations 313
Index 316



Table of Distances from Okinawa