Appendix I
The main sources consulted in the preparation of the narrative of the Okinawa operation have been the reports, journals, war diaries, orders, and plans of the units involved. Descriptions of specific actions have been based mainly on the records of the units most directly concerned. In general, the lowest echelons have been considered the best source for details, while the reports of higher units familiar with overall concepts have been used in evaluating progress and results.
More than 200 key participants in the campaign, including representatives of all the services, have been asked to read the preliminary drafts of the narrative. The resulting comments, corrections, and additions have been included in the final manuscript after careful checking against contemporary records. The majority of the draft comment has been supplementary in nature and has not substantially altered the picture presented by official sources.
Much of the material consulted had only a very general or indirect bearing on the progress of the campaign and therefore, is not listed in the bibliography. Only the most useful sources, including all those cited in the text, have been included below. Material marked (OCMH) is held by the Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army. Material marked (TAGO) can be obtained from The Adjutant General’s Office, Department of the Army. Copies of all other material listed are available in the Records and Research Section, Historical Branch, G-3 Division, Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps.
Joint Chiefs of Staff Documents, Letters, and Notes Relating to the CAUSEWAY, DETACHMENT, and ICEBERG Campaigns, Compiled by LtCol Whitman S. Bartley.
Chief of Naval Operations 34-P-0700, Amphibious Operations–Capture of Okinawa, 27Mar-21Jun45, dtd 22Jan46.
Military Intelligence Service, War Department, Survey of the Nansei Shoto and the Nanpo Shoto, dtd 15Feb43.
CinCPac-CinCPOA Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas During the month of October 1944, dtd 31May 45; November 1944, dtd 1Jun45; December 1944, dtd 25Jun45.
CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 161-44, Okinawa Gunto, dtd 15Nov44.
CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 53-45, Okinawa Gunto, 2d Supplement, dtd 28Feb45.
CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 107-45, Translations and Interrogations No 28, dtd 14May45.
CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 122-45, Translations and Interrogations No 30, dtd 1Jun45.
CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 140-45, Translations and Interrogations No 31, dtd 7Jun45.
CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 147-45, Translations and Interrogations No 32, did 16Jun45.
CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 161-45, Translations and Interrogations No 34, dtd 27Jun45.
CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 212-45, Translations and Interrogations No 39, dtd 30Aug45.
CinCPOA Joint Staff Study–ICEBERG, dtd 25Oct44, with Changes of 2Dec44, 21Dec44, 5Feb45, and 28Feb45.
CinCPOA Operation Plan No 14-44, dtd 21Nov44.
United States Army Forces, Pacific Ocean Areas, Participation in the Okinawa Operation, 2 vols, dtd 15Mar46.
United States Army Forces, Pacific Ocean Areas, G-2 Study of Okinawa Gunto, n. d.
United States Army Forces, Middle Pacific, History of the G-5 Section, 7Dec41-2Sept45, n. d. (OCMH).
Commander Amphibious Forces, Pacific, Amphibious Gunnery Bulletin No 2, Assault on Okinawa, dtd 24May45.
Headquarters, Aircraft, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, Air Support Reports of Units Participating in the Okinawa Operation, dtd 28Aug45.
Engineer Section, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, Engineer Intelligence Information, Okinawa Gunto, n. d.
Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, Action Report, Phase I, Nansei Shoto Operation, dtd 10May45; Action Report, Phase II, Nansei Shoto Operation, n. d.; Action Report, Assault and Occupation of Kume Shima, dtd 15Aug45.
Commander Fifth Fleet Action Report, 1Apr-27May 45, Ryukyus Operation, dtd 10Jul45.
Commander Fifth Fleet Operation Plan No 1-45, dtd 11Jan45.
Commander Task Force 51 Operation Report, FORAGER, dtd 25Aug45.
Commander Task Force 51 General Action Report, Capture of Okinawa Gunto, Phases I and II, 17Feb-17May45, dtd 25Jul45.
Commander Task Force 51 Operation Plan A1-45, dtd 16Feb45.
Commander Task Force 52 Action Report, Okinawa Gunto, 21Mar-20Apr45, dtd 1May45.
Commander Task Force 52 Operation Plan No A106-45, dtd 5Mar45.
Commander Task Force 53 Report of Participation in the Capture of Okinawa Gunto–Phases I and II, dtd 20Jul45.
Commander Task Force 55 Report of the Capture of Okinawa Gunto, Phase I and II, 14Mar-9Jun45, dtd 31Jul45.
Commander Fifth Amphibious Force Action Report, Capture of Okinawa Gunto, Phases I and II, 17May-21Jun45, dtd 4Jul45.
Commander Task Group 51.1 Action Report, Capture of Okinawa Gunto, Phases 1 and 2, 9Mar-2Apr45, dtd 26May45.
Tenth Army Action Report, Ryukyus Campaign, 26Mar-30Jun45, dtd 3Sept45.
Tenth Army Tentative Operation Plan 1-45, dtd 6Jan45.
Tenth Army G-2 Intelligence Monograph, 5 Parts, August 1945. (TAGO)
Tenth Army G-2 Weekly Summaries Nos 1-5, 19May-21Jun45.
Tenth Army G-2 Prisoner of War Interrogation Summaries Nos 1-19, July-August 1945. (OCMH)
Tenth Army G-2 Reports Nos 9-97, 4Apr-1Jul45.
Tenth Army G-2 Counterintelligence Collecting Agency Subsection Translations Nos 4-308, 17Apr-11Jul45. (TAGO)
Tenth Army G-2 Interrogation Reports Nos 10-28, 23Dec44-6Aug45. (TAGO)
Tenth Army G-3 Journal and File, July-September 1945. (TAGO)
Tactical Air Force, Tenth Army Action Report, Phase I, Nansei Shoto, 8Dec44-30Jun45, dtd 12Jul45.
III Amphibious Corps Action Report, Ryukyus Operation, Phases I and II, dtd 1Jul45.
III Amphibious Corps Operation Orders and G-3 Periodic Reports, Ryukyus Operation, Phases I and II, dtd 1Jul45.
III Amphibious Corps Operation Plan 1-45, dtd 1Feb45.
III Amphibious Corps Administrative Plan No 1-45, dtd 22Feb45.
III Amphibious Corps G-2 Periodic Reports Nos 1-92, 2Apr-2Jul45.
III Amphibious Corps Artillery Action Report, Phase I, Nansei Shoto, 1Apr-30Jun45, dtd 25Jul45, including Action Reports from the following units:
- 2d Provisional Field Artillery Group
- Henderson Group
- 1st 155mm Howitzer Battalion
- 3d 155mm Howitzer Battalion
- 6th 155mm Howitzer Battalion
- 7th 155mm Gun Battalion
- 8th 155mm Gun Battalion
- 9th 155mm Gun Battalion
Air Delivery Section, Headquarters and Service Battalion, III Amphibious Corps Action Report, ICEBERG Operation, dtd 24Jun45.
1st Marine Division Special Action Report, Nansei Shoto Operation, 1Apr-30Jun45, dtd 10Jul45.
1st Marine Division Operation Plan 1-45, dtd 10Feb45.
1st Marine Division G-2 Journal, 1Apr-18Jul45.
1st Marine Division G-2 Periodic Reports Nos 1-105, 2Apr-16Jul45.
1st Marine Division G-3 Journal, 28Feb-14Jul45.
1st Marines Special Action Report, Nansei Shoto Operation, dtd 25Jul45.
1st Battalion, 1st Marines Special Action Report, 23Feb-21Jun45, n. d.
2d Battalion, 1st Marines Narrative Report–ICEBERG, 23Feb-22Jun45, n. d.
3d Battalion, 1st Marines Special Action Report, Phase I & II of the Nansei Shoto Operation, dtd 10Jul45.
5th Marines Special Action Report, 22Apr-23Jun45, n. d.
5th Marines S-3 Journal, 15Jan-26Jul45.
1st Battalion, 5th Marines Special Action Report, Phase I and II, dtd 29Apr45; Phase III, dtd 9Jul45.
2d Battalion, 5th Marines Special Action Report, Okinawa, 1Apr-22Jun45, n. d.
3d Battalion, 5th Marines Special Action Report, 1-21Apr45, dtd 30Apr45; 22Apr-22Jun45, dtd 10Jul45.
7th Marines Special Action Report, Phase I and II, dtd 1May45; Phase III, dtd 11Jul45.
1st Battalion, 7th Marines Special Action Report, 22Apr-22Jun45, dtd 29Jun45.
2d Battalion, 7th Marines Special Action Report, 2May-22Jun45, dtd 2Jul45.
3d Battalion, 7th Marines Special Action Report, Phase III, dtd 1Jul45.
11th Marines Special Action Report, Message File, and Unit Journal, n. d.
11th Marines S-3 Reports, 2Apr-21Jun45.
1st Reconnaissance Company Journal, 25Aug44-12Aug45.
1st Engineer Battalion Reconnaissance and Intelligence Reports Nos 1-74, 4Apr-24Jun45.
1st Tank Battalion Summaries of Tank Action, 15Apr-23Jun45.
3d Armored Amphibian Battalion Special Action Report, Nansei Shoto Operation, dtd 1Jul45.
6th Marine Division Special Action Report, Phases I and II, Okinawa Operation, dtd 30Apr45, including as annexes the Special Action Reports of the following units:
- 4th Marines (each battalion)
- 22d Marines (each battalion)
- 29th Marines (each battalion)
- 15th Marines (each battalion)
- 6th Tank Battalion
- 6th Engineer Battalion
- Division Shore Party
- 6th Medical Battalion
- 1st Armored Amphibian Battalion
- 4th Amphibian Tractor Battalion
- 9th Amphibian Tractor Battalion
6th Marine Division Operation Plan No 1-45, did 10Feb45.
6th Marine Division Unit Journal, Okinawa Operation, Phase I and II, 1-22Apr45.
6th Marine Division Special Action Report, Okinawa Operation, Phase III, dtd 30Jun45, including as annexes the Special Action Reports of the following units:
- 4th Marines (each battalion)
- 22d Marines (each battalion)
- 29th Marines (each battalion)
- 15th Marines (each battalion)
- 6th Tank Battalion
- 6th Engineer Battalion
- Division Shore Party
- 6th Medical Battalion
- 1st Armored Amphibian Battalion
- 4th Amphibian Tractor Battalion
- 9th Amphibian Tractor Battalion
6th Marine Division Unit Journal, Okinawa Operation, Phase III, 23Apr-30Jun45.
6th Marine Division G-2 Summary, Okinawa Shima, dtd 1Aug45.
6th Marine Division G-2 Periodic Reports Nos 27-60, 28Apr-31May45.
2d Marine Division Action Report, Phase I, Nansei Shoto, dtd 15Apr45.
Combat Team 8, 2d Marine Division Action Report, Iheya and Aguni Operations, n. d.
Combat Team 8 Action Report, Okinawa Operation, 11-22Jun45, n. d.
XXIV Corps Action Report, Ryukyus, 1Apr-30Jun45, n. d.
XXIV Corps Field Order 45, ICEBERG, dtd 8Feb45.
XXIV Corps Administrative Order No 10, ICEBERG, dtd 10Feb45.
XXIV Corps G-3 Journal and File, 1Apr-30Jun45. (TAGO)
XXIV Corps Artillery Action Report, 31Mar-30Jun45, n. d.
7th Infantry Division Action Report, Ryukyus Campaign, did 30Jul45.
27th Infantry Division Operation Report, Phase I, Nansei Shoto, 1Jan-30Jun45, did 19Jul45.
27th Infantry Division G-2 Periodic Reports Nos 5-23, 14Apr-2May45.
77th Infantry Division Operation Report, Phase I, (in 3 parts; Kerama Retto; Ie Shima; Okinawa), n. d. (TAGO)
96th Infantry Division Action Report, Ryukyus Campaign, dtd 28Jul45. (TAGO)
Island Command Action Report, Okinawa, 13Dec44-30Jun45, dtd 30Jun45.
Island Command Operation Plan No 1, dtd 15Feb45.
Military Government Section, Island Command, Histories of Military Government Operations on Okinawa, April-August 1945, n. d. (TAGO)
53d Antiaircraft Brigade After-Action Report, dtd 21Jun45.
1st Information and Historical Service, Documents Relating to the Surrender of Japanese Garrison in the Ryukyus and the Occupation of that Area by Elements of the Tenth Army, September-October 1945, dtd 9Dec45. (TAGO)
War Diaries
Monthly war diaries for the appropriate periods from October 1944 through September 1945 have been consulted for all of the following organizations; these are listed overall rather than separately for purposes of convenience and simplicity.
- Pacific Fleet
- Tactical Air Force, Tenth Army
- III Amphibious Corps
- 1st Marine Division
- 6th Marine Division
- 2d Marine Air Wing
- Air Defense Command, Okinawa
- Marine Air Defense Command-2
- Marine Air Group-14
- Marine Air Group-22
- Marine Air Group-31
- Marine Air Group-33
- Marine Air Group-43
- VMF(CV)-112
Books, Pamphlets, Periodicals
Appleman, Roy E., et al, Okinawa: The Last Battle, U.S. Army in World War II. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1948.
Bartley, LtCol Whitman S., Iwo Jima: Amphibious Epic, Marine Corps Historical Monograph. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1954.
Bergren, Maj Orville V., “School Solutions on Motobu,” Marine Corps Gazette, December 1945.
Boggs, Maj Charles W., Jr., Marine Aviation in the Philippines, Marine Corps Historical Monograph. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1951.
Cannon, M. Hamlin and Smith, Robert R., Triumph in the Philippines, U.S. Army in World War II. To be published by the Government Printing Office in 1955.
Carleton, Maj Philips D., The Conquest of Okinawa; An Account of the Sixth Marine Division.Washington Historical Division, USMC, 1947.
Carter, RAdm Worrall R., Beans, Bullets, and Black Oil. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1953.
Cass, Bevan (ed.), History of the Sixth Marine Division. Washington: Infantry Journal Press, 1948.
Crown, LtCol John A. and Heinl, LtCol Robert D., The Marshalls: Increasing the Tempo, Marine Corps Historical Monograph. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1954.
Davidson, Orlando R., et al, The Deadeyes: The Story of the 96th Infantry Division. Washington: Infantry Journal Press, 1947.
del Valle, MajGen Pedro A., “Old Glory on Shuri,” Marine Corps Gazette, August 1945.
del Valle, MajGen Pedro A., “Southward from Shuri,” Marine Corps Gazette, October 1945.
Fuller, MajGen J. F. C., The Second World War. New York: Sloan and Pearce, 1949.
Halsey, FAdm William F. and Bryan, LCdr J., III, Admiral Halsey’s Story. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1947.
Hawks, Francis L., United States Japan Expedition by Com M. C. Perry, 3 vols. Washington: A. O. P. Nicholson, 1856.
Hoffman, Maj Carl W., Saipan: The Beginning of the End, Marine Corps Historical Monograph. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1950.
Hough, Maj Frank O., The Assault on Peleliu, Marine Corps Historical Monograph. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1950.
Hough, LtCol Frank O. and Crown, Maj John A., The Campaign on New Britain, Marine Corps Historical Monograph. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1953.
Isely, Jeter A. and Crowl, Philip A., The U.S. Marines and Amphibious War. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1951.
Johnston, Richard W., Follow Me: The Story of the Second Marine Division in World War II. New York: Random House, 1948.
King, FAdm Ernest J. and Whitehill, Cdr Walter M., Fleet Admiral King: A Naval Record. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1952.
Leahy, FAdm William D., I Was There. New York Whittlesby House, 1950.
Liggett, MajGen Hunter, A. E. F.: Ten Years Ago In France. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1928.
Lodge, Maj O. R., The Recapture of Guam, Marine Corps Historical Monograph. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1954.
Love, Capt Edmund G., The 27th Infantry Division in World War II. Washington, Infantry Journal Press, 1949.
Matsumoto, Capt Kitaro and Chihaya, Cdr Matsataka, “Design and Construction of the Yamatoand Musashi,” United States Naval Institute Proceedings, October 1953.
McMillan, George J., The Old Breed: A History of the First Marine Division In World War II.Washington: Infantry Journal Press, 1949.
Military Intelligence Division, War Department, Order of Battle for the Japanese Armed Forces, dtd 1Mar45, with amendments through 11Jul45.
Myers, LtCol Max (ed.), Ours To Hold It High: The History of the 77th Infantry Division in World War II. Washington: Infantry Journal Press, 1947.
Shepherd, MajGen Lemuel C., Jr., “Battle for Motobu Peninsula,” Marine Corps Gazette, August 1945.
Sherrod, Robert, History of Marine Corps Aviation In World War II. Washington: Combat Forces Press, 1952.
Spruance, Adm Raymond A., “The Victory in the Pacific,” United Service Institution Journal,November 1946.
Smith, Robert R., The Approach to the Philippines, U.S. Army in World War II. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1953.
Stockman, Capt James R., The First Marine Division on Okinawa. Washington: Historical Division, USMC, 1946.
United States Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific), Naval Analysis Division, The Campaigns of the Pacific War. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1946.
United States Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific), Naval Analysis Division, Interrogations of Japanese Officials, 2 vols. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1946.
Vogel, Bertram, “Who Were the Kamikaze?”, United States Naval Institute Proceedings, July 1947.
War Department Technical Manual E-30-480, Handbook on Japanese Military Forces. Washington Government Printing Office, 1944.
The War Reports of General of the Army George C. Marshall, General of the Army H. H. Arnold, and Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King. Philadelphia and New York: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1947.
[Note: This volume combines the reports found separately in Biennial Reports of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army to the Secretary of War, 1 July 1939-30 June 1945, Reports of the Commanding General of the Army Air Forces to the Secretary of War, and U.S. Navy at War, 1941-1945: Official Reports to the Secretary of the Navy by Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King.]
Yanaga, Chitoshi, Japan Since Perry. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1949.
Yokoi, RAdm Toshiyuki, “Kamikazes and the Okinawa Campaign,” United States Naval Institute Proceedings, May 1954.
Zimmerman, Maj John L., The Guadalcanal Campaign, Marine Corps Historical Monograph. Washington Government Printing Office, 1949.
Carleton, Maj Philips D., Notes for Conquest of Okinawa: An Account of the Sixth Marine Division,n. d.
Combat Records Review, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Index of Action Reports, War Diaries, Operation Plans and Orders and British Reports of the Okinawa Operation, dtd 1Oct47.
File of Comments on The Conquest of Okinawa: An Account of the Sixth Marine Division, 2 vols.
File of Comments on The First Marine Division on Okinawa, 2 vols.
“A History of the 7th Marines on Okinawa,” Enclosure A to Col Edward W. Snedeker Letter to Commandant of the Marine Corps, 27Mar47.
Jenks, Maj Almet, Notes, Outlines, and Comments on a proposed Okinawa monograph, n. d.
Ludwig, Capt Verle E., Memorandum for the Historical Branch, G-3, dtd 28Oct54.
Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, Japanese Monograph No 53, Okinawa Operation Record of the Thirty-second Army, August 1946. (OCMH)
Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, Japanese Monograph No 135, Okinawa Operations Record of the Thirty-second Army, 24th Division, and 8th Air Division,Revised Edition, November 1949. (OCMH)
Shutts, Sgt Kenneth A. and Trilling, Sgt. Paul, 1st Marine Division Company Interviews and Action Overlays, n. d.
Stockman, Capt James R., Notes, Outlines, and Drafts of a proposed Okinawa monograph, n. d.