Always a flier at heart
By Colette Bancroft
Published July 26,2005 Henry Bohler 80, a member of the Tuskegee Airmen during World War II, plans to attend the national convention this fall in Orlando. The painting to his left is a rendition of a photo taken of him while he was in the service.TAMPA – At 80, Henry Bohler still maintains his military bearing: spine straight, shoulders squared. And he is still passionate about what he learned as a Tuskegee Airman: “I love to fly.”
Bill Cavanaugh
3rd Army 65th Infantry Division
We landed in LaHaurve, France and we had to cross into Germany right before the Siegfried Line.
Connie Hennig
US Army
One of the first 300 woman on Omaha Beach – D-Day plus 90 at the SHAEF — Supreme Headquarters American Expeditionary Forces
Bill Baker
Royal Naval Seaman
by Don Cavanaugh
Curiosity guided me to retired Royal Naval Rating Seaman Bill Baker. We sat purely by chance
Battle History. Below we will be adding battles that were fought through-out World War II. This section will continue to grow as we research and gain more information pertaining to those battles!